Vulnerability Scanners


  • Request free licence:

  • Install package:

dpkg -i Nessus-8.15.1-ubuntu910_amd64.deb
  • Starting Nessus

sudo systemctl start nessusd.service
  • Access Nessus: https://localhost:8834

Export Nessus Scan

$ ./nessus_downloader.rb 

Nessus 6 Report Downloader 1.0

Enter the Nessus Server IP:
Enter the Nessus Server Port [8834]: 8834
Enter your Nessus Username: admin
Enter your Nessus Password (will not echo): 

Getting report list...
Scan ID Name                                               Last Modified                  Status         
------- ----                                               -------------                  ------         
1     Windows_basic                                Aug 22, 2020 22:07 +00:00      completed      
Enter the report(s) your want to download (comma separate list) or 'all': 1

Choose File Type(s) to Download: 
[0] Nessus (No chapter selection)
[1] HTML
[2] PDF
[3] CSV (No chapter selection)
[4] DB (No chapter selection)
Enter the file type(s) you want to download (comma separate list) or 'all': 3

Path to save reports to (without trailing slash): /assessment_data/inlanefreight/scans/nessus

Downloading report(s). Please wait...

[+] Exporting scan report, scan id: 1, type: csv
[+] Checking export status...
[+] Report ready for download...
[+] Downloading report to: /assessment_data/inlanefreight/scans/nessus/inlanefreight_basic_5y3hxp.csv

Report Download Completed!


  • Install on Ubuntu (OsBoxes)

sudo su

$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get -y full-upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install gvm && openvas
$ gvm-setup
  • Start OpenVAS


Doesn't work on my ubuntu, use Docker:

osboxes@osboxes:~/greenbone-community-container$ xdg-open "" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &
[1] 18911

Creds - admin::admin

Export result

python3 -m openvasreporting -i report-2bf466b5-627d-4659-bea6-1758b43235b1.xml -f xlsx

stop all containers

$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Web Apps Scan


Wapiti - Web Scan

pip install wapiti3
 wapiti -u -l 2


apt install nikto

Last updated